During the process of migrating a SQL Server database to MySQL I came across the problem of how to handle a SQL Server CAST() function for type SmallDateTime. I was supplied with a SQL dump of the original database and proceeded to write a Windows C# conversion program. The resulting SQL was then imported into the destination MySQL database. There is a lot of good information of converting the various field types, but it was difficult to get the complete picture on how to handle the CAST() function for the SmallDataTime type.
WordPress WooCommerce to CRM Integration
The aim was to build a WordPress plugin to collect user data at the WooCommerce checkout and send this data to a selected CRM system. This was my first attempt at a WordPress plugin development and also involved how WooCommerce integrates with WordPress. A great learning experience.
The plugin was developed for a specific project and is not something that can be installed and used without modification.
Create a plugin template from various examples, and the WordPress documentation.
Add an admin Settings section to store the the required UID and URL for the CRM system.
Processing function to collect the Order information required, and send it to the CRM.
Tracking the YWAM Medical Ship
A work in progress.
I have been involved with YWAM Medical Ships Australia and YWAM Townsville for a while helping with software projects. One project is tracking the medical ships, (Pacific Link and the new YWAM PNG) as they travel to and across PNG to provide medical services to the remote areas. The ship provides an excellent way to reach some of the most under-serviced areas of that country. There are always volunteer opportuinties so visit YWAM Medical Ships Australia and find out more.
There have been many variations the how we have tracked and logged the ship location since the first visit to PNG. See the current location and map at Ship Locator
The Archives of Code
This is a collection of projects worked on over many years. So I though this would be a good place to collect them.